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When people hear about online coaching they might think about this might be less efficient than a real physical 1-1 training and coaching.


In-fact this is the most effective approach to get someone to follow a healthy lifestyle.


Why because the technology enables to track and follow-up everyday activities regularly with a real human being behind it making appropriate adjustments to the respective client.


The best part is even when the client travels or get busy the tracking process and scheduled calls can be still accessible to ensure the plans are 100% active to the respective client.


How to achieve THE GOAL :


Ok Let’s think!

your Aim is


  • to lose that extra fat in that belly area or all over the body
  • look great in your clothes.
  •  Get Complimented on the ‘show muscles’ (the arms, shoulders and abs) every time you walk towards a crowd.

How to do that?


Training & Nutrition


These are the two scary words for most of the people because they know for a fact these aren’t too easy to achieve . even though some say they can, but they needed to do a series of changes in their lifestyle to reach those desired goals.


  1. They needed to have a plan to train their body regularly: like workout programs.
  2. They needed a well-prepared nutrition plan with tasty food choices: to consume every day which should help them to accomplish their goal.




But How to know, what to do and what to eat?

This is where my responsibility comes in as an online coach:

To produce a training program you obliged to go through a well-planned assessment to understand what needs to be addressed first before you even started to do physical activity.

What I meant here is that every human body needs to have some standard joint mobility and stability to perform certain movements. Like pulling & pushing movements.


 This needs to be corrected before you start going to the gym. 

Else you injure yourself in the process of lifting weights without the knowledge of how much your body can handle or the right way to perform each exercise.


 Then what should they do?


We call them CORRECTIONAL EXERCISES, where the client is supposed to go through a series of ” functional movement assessments” to examine their obstacles in their functionality.


This is to understand the issues of your fitness components: like mobility, stability, flexibility, strength (muscle and cardio), etc…


what happens if they don’t?


well, think about this scenario which is very common nowadays .


if you are a person who has got a sedentary lifestyle where you sits for about 8-10 hours a day for the last 5-10 years and suddenly one day you have got this light bulb in your head to lose that extra weight and get fit.


it will terrible idea to kick start right away without a health & fitness assessment and without designing a plan because if you do so, you may be fine in the beginning and you might see some visible results in the first 1-2 months and its all gonna stop when you hit a plateau and you start seeing no results.


or chances are getting an injury like back pain or knee pain is on the higher side.  with lack of motivation also you may force to retire from the goals you have set for yourselves as you failed to be consistent with it.

why this is happening  ?

most of the time because of the rigorous non-planned training program.

Please don’t think am criticizing a regular gym-goer. infact what I meant here is that if you are a person who is looking to get a serious transformation in your health and fitness.

you should really have a well-organized plan to reach that appropriate goal.


Else you are simply wasting your precious time and money.

well to make it easy to understand. when it comes to planning your physical training program, you should be doing these following things with your coach .


  1. Functional movement Assessments: ( To understand the movement quality/mobility & strength of joints & muscles)
  2. Health History Questionnaires : (all about lifestyle & medical history of the client. understanding this is very crucial to modify the intensity and frequency of the workout programs)

Then only a coach is supposed to create a program, which needs to be periodized according to the lifestyle of the client.


And if you ask how these workout programs are done to lose fat and gain muscle?


That I will explain to you in a different article because there’s a lot to explain.




For a regular person, all the above might looks like an alien language. but don’t you worry when am here to help you out?

Now Coming to the Nutrition. 

There are some certain protocols I adhere before I coach my client for nutrition .

For me it’s not just nutrition, it’s about the overall health has to be addressed through what you consume in everyday life. So i call it holistic health coaching .

For a normal person, they just needed a plan about what to eat and what not to eat.

well, that’s the final version of nutrition which they need to know.

From a coach’s perspective

For a client, The real work starts from what & how often to shop food?


  1. How to prepare and plan for the week and how they are supposed to eat and proceed to the next meal.
  2. The mindset of before and after eating the meal.

There’s a lot of things they needed to understand when it comes to the nutrition. the above is just a few of that.

why I address all these?

Because what I needed from you is not only to achieve your results at the earliest but also I needed you to sustain that year after year.

how all these going to happen?

Through learning a series of habits with the coaching you do with me.

YES !! that’s right. the coaching is all about instilling new habits in your lifestyle by replacing the old ones.

If you are interested to know how am I going to do these are explained through the following


The Protocols that I use to coach my clients


Outcome-based decision making.


It’s at the heart of everything i do as a coach.


1. I gather data.

2. I analyze it.

3. I decide what to do next, based on the evidence.


As the saying goes:

“If you’re not assessing, you’re guessing.”

Indeed, the best coaches are always gathering, analyzing, and using data to make informed,


outcome-based decisions.


However, sometimes all that data can feel overwhelming.

Each client comes to me with:


  • Different life experiences and a different personality;
  • Different wants and needs;
  • Different health conditions, movement capacities, and eating habits;
  • Different problem-solving abilities; and
  • Different attitudes about change and trying new things.

As a coach, i need to triage — to understand what’s most important, right now, for each unique client.

Triaging helps me to focus on “first things first” and set the right priorities.


But how do I know all these:


  • What information to gather? And when?
  • What questions to ask? And how?
  • The right way to discuss assessment and analysis with you as a client?
  • How to walk my clients through the process step by step?


I have already got all the system that works for you.

The assessment forms in this System of coaching i do will help me get to know my client better, and helps me to make better evidence-based decisions about your coaching strategy.

Using them, I’ll learn more about my client.


 The System includes:


  • Physiological indicators

This includes blood work, other lab tests, digestive function, and immunity.


  • Body composition and measurements

This includes height, weight, body girths, lean mass, and body fat.


  • Other health needs

This includes known allergies or food intolerance’s, medication use, other health problems, and the other health care providers they work with


  • Function and physical capability

This includes mobility, daily-life tasks, and athletic performance


  • Psychological state and mindset

This includes readiness for change, resilience, and problem solving


  •  Environment and lifestyle

This includes social support, family, work hours and demands, and travel


  •   Goals and desired outcomes

This includes a specific goal weight or body composition change, decreased medication usage, improved performance measures, and improved relationship with food

These are what I used to build my client’s “coaching information database” by using these tools and techniques.

And use it to generate strategic plans that my clients can stick with and that I can feel good about.




The Initial Assessments and the followed up lifestyle Questionnaire, which covers:


  • The client’s perspective

This includes expectations, goals, self-identified limiting factors, willingness to change, and what behaviors they’d like to focus on or change.


  • Social factors

This includes social support, stress, and relationships.


  • Health indicators and conditions


This includes injuries, medication use, and digestion.


  • Lifestyle factors

This includes how often my clients see the doctor, whether they smoke, how they spend their time, and how their kitchen is set up.


Let’s Wrap it up


So all together my coaching strategy is a fool-proof straight forward, an evidence based scientific system that can eventually enable anyone to follow a healthy lifestyle at the end of the day.


What are you waiting for? Start your journey now itself with me, I will walk you through the entire process step by step and will educate about everything you need to know. So you can reach your goals at the fastest way possible and can master your health and fitness easily.

>> Watch my newest YouTube video

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